Consumeless for a year

A journal of a year of consuming less and consuming sustainably

Biodynamic pet food arrived 09/01/2010

Filed under: Food & drinks,Pets — Karin @ 19:43
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This week, the biodynamic pet food I ordered arrived. I was especially curious what Lotte, our dog would think about it. Our cats mostly eat anything, but Lotte really didn’t like a (huge) bag of dog food we bought a while ago. She even left half of the food in her bowl all the time. But watch this video (pls ignore the kitchen, it came with the house, not our style, needs replacement)! Here Lotte (and the cats) get the organic food. I’m so happy! I’ve ordered two huge bags of dog food and two moderately huge bags of cat food. The good news: when you order large amounts, you get a 5% discount and you don’t pay shipping costs.



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Pet food 03/01/2010

We’re nearly out of dog and cat food, so we have to buy new. This is the first time we really think about sustainable food for our pets so I started searching for ‘green’ food. I knew the brand Yarrah, which is sold at our local organic food store. We’ve once tried a test package of catfood of this brand with our cat (which we don’t have anymore), but we didn’t really like the fact that the cat pooped much more because of the food. Now this would not be an issue anymore because we don’t have a litter box in our house. The cats can go out as they please. We haven’t tried Yarrah dog food yet.

Searching for organic food, I also found another brand, called Defu. They have both dog food and cat food and are slightly cheaper than Yarrah (mainly because the animals have to eat less of it every day). And Defu has the Demeter trademark, so it is biodynamic, which is even better than organic because stricter rules are applied by the trademark organisation. I’ve ordered a small package of both dog food and cat food at Zooplus, to test whether our pets will actually eat the stuff before we buy big bags (which is much cheaper).

I couldn’t find more organic (or sustainable in any other way) pet food  that is sold in the Netherlands. If someone else has any tips or suggestions, please let us know!!


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